Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Identifying the Theme and artists work

Identifying the theme and artists work

The Group and I visited the Level 5 and 6 spaces to view their work. We was please with what saw and certain themes started to become apparent to us. The themes we identified were; Grotesque, portraiture, materiality, layers, architecture etc. So we considered having a versatile theme such as 'Structures'. This theme would allow us to have a large range of pieces as everything has a structure. Although we thought this open theme would become lost later in the process and unidentified to the audience. We want a theme that will be apparent throughout, so that the viewers do not think the pieces were chose at random. Fortunately the group as a whole liked the same pieces.

We then started to notice that the pieces we thought were most effective had a common factor. They were all quite disturbing to look at and related to the body. So we began to consider the theme of provoking things which we see everyday on our body's for example hair, clothes ect which disturb us. We believe choosing this theme will be interesting to our viewer, as obviously the viewer will be human and can relate to these disturbing things.

However, we believe the idea of structures can still be relevant, not a theme idea but more so the creation of the exhibition. We thought about laying out the exhibition in a way which we confront the audience will these disturbing features. We want the exhibition to communicate with audience, like Lee Bul's.

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